So, I'm about to have a birthday. The big 3-2 is right around the corner and I've been giving some thought to what this next year will hold. For example, I know that this year my two little ones will be flower girls in their aunt's wedding, they will fly to California again, Gabe & I will travel to Disney World (alone :), we will go to dog shows, Grace will start school for the first time, she will turn 2 and Maddie will turn 4, etc. As you know, I love to take pictures and usually use this blog as the outlet for said pic's. So, I thought that for the next year, starting on my birthday, I will take and post at least 1 picture a day on this blog. I have been having such a hard time finding time to write, thinking of what to say, etc. that I thought a better way to keep up with my blog is to become super disciplined about doing it everyday. However finding time in every day to write something interesting/meaningful/funny/touching can be really...impossible at times. So, doing a picture-a-day blog seems much more feasible. So, that's the plan! What do you think? I also decided to do this because at 32 I'm really not sure what's next. For so long I wanted to teach, and I did that. Then, I wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember and I'm doing that. I'm really not sure what's next, so I thought chronicling my life in pictures (and sometimes words) for the next year could be pretty awesome. Here goes nothing...