I've been putting off the organizing of their closet for probably about a year. When Grace was about to be 1, I tried working on it, but felt that I couldn't part with anything. It seemed, at the time, that every item of clothing Maddie had ever worn, had some major meaningful memory attached to it! Well, yesterday before I began, I prayed for God's guidance. I wanted Him to show me what I actually needed and to be able to part with that which I don't. It worked! I was able to get rid of so much that I am sure someone else really needs. Between my clothes (that I don't wear/don't fit) and a large portion of the baby clothes (but not all of them) I filled about 5 large garbage bags to donate. I felt successful. I felt like it was exactly what I needed to be doing with my time and my stuff.
During the massive cleaning out/reorganization I came across my wedding dress. It was so wonderful to see it. I've known that it's in the back of that closet, but I never open the garment bag it's in to actually view it. I did yesterday and I still love it!
I love that I wore a dress that was tea length. I love that Maddie was growing in me when I wore it. I love that Gabe took me as his wife in it. It has so many special memories.
As I looked at it, I realized that the garment bag had pockets and something heavy was weighing them down. I opened the pocket to find a bag which had my wedding shoes in it. I looked at them and then suddenly realized that they had only one word imprinted in the inside sole on each shoe:
"...All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."
Psalm 139:16