Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mason at 3 months old!

IMG 0477 from Sarah Mejias on Vimeo.

The baby turned 3 months old this week.  Time is definitely flying by.  He is so much fun such a sweet addition to our family.  Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Maddie learned....

to RIDE A BIKE TODAY!!!  No more training wheels :)  I will post video tomorrow....

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Gracie's 1st day of Pre-K

Happiest Girl on the Block!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

My Dear One

 Dearest Gracie,

   Today you are 4 years old.  In some ways I cannot believe it and in others I can.  You have become this little kid; no longer a baby.  I'm so proud of you. 
   You are still incredibly talkative.  Today you got upset that I was "always interrupting" you.  I responded that since "you are always talking, someone's gotta interrupt you sometime."  :)  You didn't like that too much but I thought it was funny! 
   I always think of you as my strong-willed  child.  You are my kid who colors outside of the lines, marches to her own beat, etc.  You move through life without a thought as to what others think of you.  I admire this quality in you.  You are teaching me.
  Which leads me to your outfits.  They are WILD.  You don't pay too much attention to things matching.  Mostly you pick items you love (ie: favorite tank top, skirt, shoes) and you put them all on; without a thought or care as to if they match each other or the weather outdoors.  And heaven help the person who tries to tell you otherwise.  I've learned in the last year that it just isn't worth it.  It's a battle I'm not willing to fight. So, I let you be you out in the world.  And I continue to be so proud. 
   This summer you became a big sister for the first time and you are amazing in this role.  I think deep down it has been hard for you to no longer be the "baby."  But, your Nonnie had a good point.  You will always be my baby girl.  No one can replace you.  You are truly one of kind and I love you completely.

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


This morning you ate Coco Puffs for breakfast because you begged me to buy it for you yesterday.

You chose your own clothes; in fact when we did our school clothes shopping, you knew this would be the shirt you would wear.

You packed your "nigh-nigh" in your backpack because you heard there would be resting time and you said you would need it.

You gladly posed for pictures in front of our home :)

As we drove to school, your excitement grew; I could feel your adrenaline.

Daddy, Gracie, Mason and I all took you to school and walked you into your classroom.  Your teacher was there to greet you.

You walked right over to her, took off your new backpack, and found a seat.  I watched you take a crayon and get right to work.  As I talked to your teacher I tried to take it all in.  The site, smell and energy of the first day of "real" school.  It was so exciting.

Gracie liked seeing your teacher; she'd really been wondering about her.

As I said goodbye, you stood up and ran over to me.  "Big Hug and Kiss, Mommy," you said.  I leaned down and planted one on ya.

And I knew in that moment it's going to be a great year.

I love you with my whole entire 1st heart Maddie-girl. (1st because a couple days ago I said I loved each of you with my whole heart and you determined that I must have 3 hearts; one for each kid :)