Thursday, May 14, 2009

It can be...

a thankless job! I think I'll just leave it at that. Can you tell what kind of day I've had???


Anonymous said...

uh oh... I'm sure I've been there and felt that ;) Chin up...just think when they have their own babies you'll be able to sit back and smile :) What goes around, comes around! xxx Siobhan

Dan said...

It sure can be, but remember the good always outweighs the bad. You'll be able to look back at these years, and think about what you accomplished and how proud you are of your girls. By then they'll be able to offer gratitude and thankfulness for how awesome you are as their Mom.

SARAH said...

Thanks Siobhan and Dan. As parents you guys understand what I mean. It was just one of those days where the whining took it's toll and the number of times I've changed clothes from Grace throwing up on me was too many to count! After a good night's sleep, I'm better today. Although, it's only 8:15am!