I've had these pictures to post since last week, but have just now gotten around to it. This week has sort of been a blur of busyness that includes making it to meetings, a cold that knocked my socks off for the past 4 days, going to see Kathy Griffin and preparing for my brother to visit tonight :) Last night I went with Gabe's mom Sandy, his sister Janie and Alexa to see Kathy Griffin (My Life on the D List) do her stand up routine in Maryland. It was hilarious and if you know anything about her style/brand of comedy you know that it has major shock value. There were some off color jokes not to mention her use of her favorite bad word (begins with "f") but once I sort of tuned that out, I laughed out loud over and over. It was a really fun night out and well worth being a little bit tired today.
Other news; Grace has gotten 2 teeth. They have finally cut through her gums (the lower 2 front teeth) and she has been a champ in true Gracie style. Nothing really bothers her. She has the best attitude and I just have to tell you this story. Every morning I wake to the sound of Maddie yelling my name: "Mommy, Mommmmmyyyyyy, etc." I never hear Grace make a peep. As I enter each morning I find Grace sitting upright in her crib looking through her soft book, quiet as a lamb. She sees me come in (I often startle her) and she gets that smile that takes up half of her face. She is one of the best ways to start the day. Maddie, on the other hand, has lots of things to tell me as soon as she sees me. She tells me stories from the night before that include when she got sad when Daddy left and the babysitter came, to the fact that later she ate a lollipop and read books. Even though she has been a bit difficult for the past few days, the fact that she can somewhat hold a conversation is pretty fun.
Dan comes to visit tonight and will be with us until Monday when he goes on business across the bridge. So excited to have him here as he has never seen our home. Which reminds me that we moved into this house literally 3 years ago this week! Time flies and to think when we moved in it was just us and our dogs and we've grown to capacity at 2 adults, 2 kids, 2 dogs and did I mention we got a fish (named Dorothy) this week? Happy Friday!
Dan comes to visit tonight and will be with us until Monday when he goes on business across the bridge. So excited to have him here as he has never seen our home. Which reminds me that we moved into this house literally 3 years ago this week! Time flies and to think when we moved in it was just us and our dogs and we've grown to capacity at 2 adults, 2 kids, 2 dogs and did I mention we got a fish (named Dorothy) this week? Happy Friday!
Hi all,
Love the pictures of the girls! They are beautiful! So fun that Dan is there this weekend...have fun :) Is Elmo happy that Dorothy the fish moved in? Remember Gianna's fish named Princess Angel Popcornball Sarah? Hope the new puppies are doing well and more important - that all of you are healthy and well. Love you,
The pics are too cute, as always. Grace is such a ham. She must get that from her big sis :)
Love ya!
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