Dearest Grace,
Today you turn 2 years old and I couldn't be happier. When I think of you, the first thing that comes to mind is your smile. It's huge! It's been that way since you were born. I remember saying many times that your "smile is like half of your face!" Hence, the nickname "Grace Face" was born ;) We've been calling you that since you were only a few weeks old and for a long time your big sister thought that was actually your name!
I love to watch you play and think. You love to discover how things work; which means you are into everything. I am always busy when it comes to you! You also talk all the time. You always have something to say, and most times you repeat yourself over and over and over until someone responds.
You love your big sister Maddie and at night when you are both in bed, Daddy and I sometimes listen to you guys talk. Often, you are talking and Maddie is telling you to "go to sleep Grace." It's one of my favorite things.
You should know that you are such a blessing to me. I always knew that I wanted daughters and God couldn't have created a more perfect "baby" for our family. You have added a light to our world's that we didn't even know we needed, but now know that we couldn't live without it.
Happy 2nd Birthday Gracie Girl.
Love always,
Ahh that's lovely Sarah :) I always say I'd run away with Grace ;) Hope you all enjoy her special day today. xx
I am crying! What a wonderful message for your girl. Your daughters will never question how much you love them, what an awesome mom. This is what it is all about. Love you!
And a very Happy Birthday to Grace! September babies are the best ;) We also have Logan and Jen to prove that!
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