Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day #...Who Knows?

I'm not sure why it's been so hard to blog lately...Half the time I forget, then when I do remember I can't think of anything to say. Actually, I can think of so much to say that I don't know where to begin. In the past week, I visited California (alone) to attend my cousin's wedding. It was the first time I've been away from both Gabe and the girls for any period of time and I was sick the entire time :( I had the worst sinus/head cold/bronchial thing and found the only blessing to be that since I was sick 3000 miles away, at least I didn't have to take care of anyone!

I've been doing lots of work on myself personally and it's going well, but it's also really difficult. I think in the past when I've done therapy I never went as deep as I'm going now. It feels good and draining at the same time. When you add that onto Al-Anon, it can feel like a lot. It's good for me though; especially at a time like now where anxiety seems to be creeping in.

This leads me to the fact that we are planning to try to sell our home next month. We are spending February getting it ready. (ie) Donating a ton of stuff, putting things in storage and touching up paint, etc. Come to think of it, this is another reason I haven't been blogging! I really know that we need a bit more space, but the thought of showing this house while we live here is really overwhelming. We've never sold a home before and the fact that it's uncharted territory for us, makes me anxious. I'm trying to remember that God has a plan for us, and for our new home but when I'm imagining our house on the market, I feel unsure...

Time to get to work around here today! Lot's of laundry, knitting, playing, etc. Rainy day in VA and planning to just lay low. Happy Saturday!


Anonymous said...

Awesome that you are doing the work, keep going! I am sure it's hard but so good to get to know yourself, right? Anxiety I understand. All you can do is what you can do. Do what lessens the anxiety as much as you can. LOVE YOU!

Anonymous said...

the anon comment was from me ;)

Chronicles of Momnia said...

i know what you mean about the blogging...sometimes there is so many things going on, swimming around your head that you don't know where to begin or what to write about!