Day 346
All I could do was laugh when Gracie greeted me upstairs this morning looking like this! She used scented markers so she smelled like a great, big Cherry and she thought it was so funny. She even gave herself a mustache! We've had a tough week or so with behaviors around here so it was a welcome tension breaker!
HAHAHA this is so cute and so Grace! I love you guys so much and miss you a lot! hope that you are feeling better
love gia
I mean I know it's bad but look at that face! I bet she tasted the markers too because they smelled so good.
Love her!
like mother like daughter!! Your choice of an art object was my lipstick and besides decorating your body, you also decorated the living room couch!! You are such a BETTER mom than I was. I was so upset with you at the time. It is one of those mom moments I regret. I'm glad you are much more able to be in the moment and enjoy these normal kid "tricks." I apologize 30 years after the fact (you were also two) for over-reacting at the time. As a Nonnie, I love that she is so excited about what she has done. Do you think tatoos are in her future? :) Love to all
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