Wednesday, February 1, 2012

It's a BOY!!!


Anonymous said...

Fabulous video Sarah :) What a wonderful moment for you all. Maddie's reaction is brilliant. Isn't it funny that both girls were dressed in blue today?? You shoulda known!!! Congratulations again. xxx Siobhan

SARAH said...

Thanks Siobhan! I know about dressing them in blue ;) So funny. Gabe picked out both outfits the day maybe he knew something!! Maddie's reaction is the best. It's the reason I knew I had to video. A baby brother is EXACTLY what she wanted :) xoxo

Anonymous said...

Wow I loved that reaction both by Maddie and Grace! Maddie is so thrilled and excited it's really sweet. Grace is so "Grace" with a commentary on the blue candy and balloon. So love that you got this on video!

chronicles of momnia said...

LOVE it. btw, you're going to have to change the name of your blog...:)

SARAH said...

@Rosana- I KNOW!!! I'm already brainstorming ideas for the new title...You're awesome with words; any ideas?....:-)

Mom/nonnie said...

I am sitting in a Dallas Starbucks and decided to start my day by checking out my girls! What a GREAT way to start the day. What perfect reactions of the "big" sisters. Love to you all. Mom