Monday, April 29, 2013

What happened last week...

Mason decided to walk....all the time....constantly. 
It is so cute but also so crazy because he also just turned 10 months on Friday.  So, it was a big week around here. 
Also, I've been pretty MIA since I started taking this class to renew my teaching license.  It's A LOT of work but the awesome news is that this is my last week.  Yep, I will be done by this time next week.  Phew.
Also, Maddie lost her second tooth.  The tooth fairy brought her a dollar and she was so happy. It fell out at school while she ate spaghetti :-)
Gracie continues to be amazing and is seriously growing up.  Her demeanor and word choices crack me up.  She's the easiest now and I never thought I'd say that!!!
Happy Monday ;-)


Anonymous said...

I can't even believe this! I love his little body, very different then my baby ;) Love the update on everyone. I miss miss miss you all so much. CAN'T WAIT FOR AUGUST!!!!

Anonymous said...

My grandson is a walking doll! Love him!