Thursday, November 20, 2014

There has been so much to say that I haven't felt like saying anything. 

Our home is under contract.  This is bittersweet to me.  I'm thankful it isn't sitting on the market, but I'm sad to let it go.  It is where I brought Mason home from the hospital.  It's the home that I figured I'd be in when the girls went to prom.  There are so many memories; both good and hard ones there.  It is always difficult to let things go for me.

We are adjusting to life in California.  Today is foggy, rainy and super damp.  I love it.  It feels like home (which it is!).  All the kids got new rain boots and matching rain jackets yesterday.  Very different to buy those instead of snow boots and snow pants in preparation for winter.

Since I'm living where I grew up, I thought I would shift back into country life seemlessly.  That has not been the case.  I've learned in the past (almost) 2 months, that I like the suburbs!  I like close neighbors and paved drive-ways.  I also like street lights and sidewalks.  However, in the past few weeks, I've been loving it here more and more.  The peace.  The quiet.  The way the kids have to rely on each other as playmates most afternoons. It's actually really spectacular. 

When I lived in Virginia, I had so many friends who longed for a slower paced life.  One that didn't feel so competitive for children and one that didn't create such harried mothers.  Well, I'm happy to say that is where we have moved to.  Life, time and driving are slow here.  I'm used to being rushed, so sometimes I feel like I haven't "done" anything. 


then I look at those 6 wide-eyes that are brimming with happiness, freedom and love and I remember that I have done something.  I've helped them each.  Every, single day.  We are doing it.  We are surviving but more importantly we are thriving; healing.  And it is truly beautiful. 


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Siobhan xxx

Anonymous said...

You are incredible and I am so grateful and blessed to have you as the mother of my children.