I finished the blanket I've been knitting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so proud of myself for how great it turned out; considering all I've made until now is some scarves. So, it's done. It's called the "Big, Bad Baby Blanket" and it's from the book Stitch 'n Bitch. Now onto my next projects which include that head kerchief, a Moebius scarf & a purse. So excited to start something new :) Oh, and even though it's a baby blanket, Maddie already hijacked it this morning for watching early morning cartoons. She said she wanted to have it! That was the best compliment :)
*From Top to Bottom: Red Chair, Janie, Cozy, Accomplished, & Still Cozy ;)
PS: I painted our porch chairs 2 days ago and now instead of a faded green, they are a beautiful red and I LOVE THEM!!! :)
Congrats on finishing that blanket. It seemed lke quite the project, and it must feel awesome to have completed somthing like that. I also hope that you feel better.
And since you have the book Stitch n' Bitch, you can finally teach Zora how to knit.
Love the red chairs and congratulations on the baby blanket :) It looks wonderful. Well done Maddie for grabbing it fast :) Just the right size for her to snuggle up in. Sorry to hear you were sick :( Hope you're feeling better now. Would next Weds. work for you for Cheestique? or if you can think of somewhere else to go I'd love ideas (you've been around restaurant -wise more than I? ) lol
See you Monday?
xx Siobhan
@Aunt Justin-Finishing that blanket did feel awesome! I'm feeling a little better today and hopefully back to 100% tomorrow :)Nice comment about Zora. You know what Gabe always says...
@Siobhan-Yes, Yes! I would love to try Cheestique. Wednesday should be fine. Let me double check with Gabe when he gets home, but I'm 99% sure it will work! I'm excited. Any birthday presents you desire??...
You girls want to come here Monday? It's already on my calendar :)
Sarah - congratulations on finishing the blanket. I can't even tell you how excited I am that you have taken up my favorite hobby - and that I'm still alive to see you doing it! I always feel badly that Grandmama doesn't know that her years of hoping one of us would take up her favorite pasttime actually paid off! She would be so excited to see you with needles in your hands. LOVE the red chairs. Wow, you really do have some of your mom in you! :)
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