Just got home from group and I'm feeling "light." That's how group makes me feel. It's a place where I've made friends, where I trust those around me with my truths, and where I get stuff off my chest. It truly is a place of recovery and I'm SO grateful that I get to go there.
Earlier in the day I promised a visit to the park for the girls. It's a park that we haven't been to in a while and it's very close to our house. They were loving it especially because we were the only ones there. We headed to the grocery store next and I made a note to myself that my kids are super well behaved when they've just run all their energy out at the park 20 minutes before :) Happy Monday!
*From Top to Bottom: Excitement, Happiness, Girlie, & Sisters
Gotta love the park around the corner! Grace's smile was the only thing that could get her Aunt Gigi out of bed early this morning for Debate class :)
Love you all, Clod
Awesome! Tell Gia there's more where that came from :-)
aaaaw! i'm sorry i missed!! but, i feel the same way afterward...light as a feather!
@Rosana-I got Jury Duty so I'll probably miss this Monday :( If I do, then see ya next week and we're having dinner afterwards :)
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