Friday, August 21, 2009


I haven't blogged in over a week and that's due to several factors. My mom is here :), Gabe and I went to NYC for 2 nights, and I've been sick. So, because I'm still getting better I'm going to postpone blogging until I feel better. Probably a day or two...


Siobhan said...

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you're feeling better soon. Take care of yourself and enjoy having your Mom around to give you the extra love and kisses only a Mom can give! ;)xx

Rosana V. said...

feel better soon and can't wait to hear about nyc!!!

SARAH said...

Sometimes my own life annoys/surprises me. Have not felt well since we drove away from our house to New York; spent 3 days with an awful bladder infection only to be followed by throwing my neck out and getting put on muscle relaxers! So, I'm finally feeling better :)
Thanks ladies!