Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 54

Yesterday I finished yet another knitting project! I definitely caught the knitting bug ;) This head scarf ("Kitschy Kerchief" from Stitch n' Bitch) came out really cute and I actually wore it most of today! It fit right in on my Whole Foods errand ;) Also, just had to call in and found out that I do have Jury Duty on Monday. My number was called and so I have to be at the courthouse at 8:15am. I'm not as worried about the duty itself or even the day spent waiting (I've done this before when I was 18) because I've already begun knitting project #3-a purse-and I can just sit and knit while I wait. I'm more worried about getting up, getting ready (not just my famous black yoga pants, but actually ready) and driving all the way to Fairfax in rush hour. Part of me thinks it will be fun to do something totally different than my day to day routine. I'll keep you posted.
*Top to Bottom: The Phish Obsession..., Begins, Kitschy Kerchief, & Voila


Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah haven't caught up on your blog for a few days but I have to say when I do I love it! You're really talented on keeping everyone updated and even though we are nearby it makes me feel even closer to the kids! Thanks for taking the time to do that.
Oh by the way the Phish obsession cracked me up.
Love ya Sandy

Rosana V. said...

love the head-kerchief!

SARAH said...

@Sandy-I'm glad you take the time to read it and comment! It makes me feel like it has a purpose when people comment :)
@Rosana-I knew you would :)